
4 Tips to Authentic Networking

Whether you hope to expand your professional or personal network, being genuine and authentic is essential. These five steps will help guide you as you meet new people, digitally or in-person.

  1. Identify likeminded individuals that are decision-makers & influencers
  2. Exhibit a generous spirit and help
  3. Connect over shared passion
  4. Reconnect to sustain the relationship


Identify likeminded individuals that are decision-makers & influencers

Finding a common thread is the first step to networking. Do your research and learn as much as you can about the person before you meet. If that’s not possible, have three things to say – one question, one current event, and one trend to power the conversation. Find where your worlds intersect and enable the conversation and relationship to grow.

Acknowledge their impact on the community or your industry, plan your communications approach, and prioritize. As a decision-maker, access and discretionary time may be limited. Whereas influencers may have greater accessibility and discretionary time. However, the relationship will need to be nurtured for a longer period as they grow professionally. Understanding the continuum of professional development and levels of influence at each stage will enrich your relationships. 

To foster deeper connections between our employees, customers and Centers of Influence, Westfield Bank regularly hosts networking events to help you build your network and drive personal and professional success.

Exhibit a generous spirit and help

Generosity starts with giving – your time and insights are valuable assets for those you are networking with. Share your thoughtful actions and visionary ideas.

To expand your library of knowledge, listen to or watch the Westfield Bank Sharing Knowledge Series podcast and video series to gain deeper insights from business owners, insurance agents, and individuals from all backgrounds and all industries. Learn more.

Connect over shared passion

Connecting with someone in-person or offline may require unique types of etiquette, however one thing is certain, finding a shared passion.

Reconnect to sustain the relationship

To nurture the relationship, continue to communicate and listen, be respectful and trustworthy, and provide support; but understand your boundaries.

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